Monday, August 24, 2020

Walk the Walk Day 2

Today we start our walk but before that we visited Wesley Memorial UMC in Charlottesville.  This congregation is a sanctuary congregation.  We heard Maria's story. 
 A Guatamalan woman who feared returning to her homeland and when her petition was denied she took sanctuary. She shared that sh has to be a prisoner in the church so she can remain free.  

We also met Rosa (El Salvadorian) who took sanctuary in Bethesda but who petition has been reviewed and she can stay. She still speaks on behalf of those others who live in sanctuary churches. In the photo above, Rosa is giving Maria a candle as a sign of hope that she and all others will be free to stay here. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

seeking Common ground

I am reflecting upon why it is that what resonates with me is so discordant to another?  I despise cilantro, it tastes like the smell of stink bugs and yet so many folks love the stuff.  You're welcome to the stuff.  But this is not about cilantro.

Why is it that which makes my heart sing is a loud clangy gong to another?  I love to listening to WAMU, streaming tiny home van life shows, reading hard Sci Fi, 70's music and coffee (the blessed third sacrament). Others prefer Fox, detective vice show, the Times, rap, and Red Bull.  But this isn't about preferences. 

Why is it what I understand to be truth and which coincides with my faith so much so that it is deeply entrenched in my soul can be an anathema to another who believes in their own truth bolstered by a common faith and is equally entrenched in their soul?

Seeking the common ground ...

Walk the Walk Day 2

Today we start our walk but before that we visited Wesley Memorial UMC in Charlottesville.  This congregation is a sanctuary con...